Exploring High Leverage Practices in Special Education
الأربعاء، 29 أبريل
|Online Event
Join us for a webinar with Debra Herburger, Senior Program Associate with the WestEd Special Education Policy & Practice Team!
الوقت والموقع
29 أبريل 2020، 12:30 م – 1:30 م غرينتش-4
Online Event
نبذة عن الحدث
Join us for a webinar with Debra Herburger, Senior Program Associate with the WestEd Special Education Policy & Practice Team. This webinar will provide a brief background and purpose of the HLPs for Special Education, how the HLPs are categorized, the alignment between the HLPs and evidence-based practices for general education. We will also explore the resources available to help teachers understand and implement the HLPs, including the video examples. Finally, we will examine how the HLPs can be applied via distance learning and look at suggestions and resources to help teachers.